i-DUST 2010
Planning with Extended Abstracts and Slides
Apt, France, 8-11 June 2010
- Geophysics
Carbonate reservoirs - The Rustrel-Fontaine de Vaucluse LSBB: a unique facility for deep carbonate reservoir science A01
Yves Guglielmi
Organisation of the flows in the unsaturated zone of the Fontaine de Vaucluse karst system. First results A02
Aurore Perineau, Christophe Emblanch, Charles Danquigny
Slides | Link to paper 01001
Up-to-date of surface based hydrogeophysics in karst systems A03
Konstantinos Chalikakis, Valérie Plagnes and Roger Guérin
ETSA and RAMAC GPR data obtained at LSBB - a comparative study A04
M. Yedlin, G. Sénéchal, D. Rousset, N. Fortino, J.Y. Dauvignac, S. Gaffet, T. Monfret, Ch. Pichot
Combining outcrop reservoir conceptual models and submarine groundwater discharge mapping to characterize coastal aquifers: karst aquifer vs. matrix aquifer A05
Arnaud Fournillon, Bruno Arfib, Aurélie Tassy, Jean Borgomano
Permeability increase by seismic waves: efficiency of unclogging of fracture process A06
Mai-Linh Doan, Emily E. Brodsky
Abstract | Slides
UBC-Geophysical Inversion Facility: capabilities for electromagnetic modelling and inversion of LSBB data A07
Douglas Oldenburg
Abstract | Slides
Characterization of the rock physical properties of a fault zone in the porous-fractured carbonate reservoir of Rustrel-LSBB by different micro-geophysical in-situ and laboratory studies A08
Pierre Jeanne, Yves Guglielmi
Abstract | Slides
Multi-scaled 3D numerical characterization of a carbonate reservoir analogue A09
Alex Hairabian, Jean Borgomano, Sergio Nardon
Characterization of the Vaucluse karst aquifer using electrical resistivity A10
Michael Maxwell, Robert Eso, Doug Oldenburg, Daryl Van Vorst, Matthew Yedlin, Yves Guglielmi, Frédéric Cappa, Stéphane Gaffet
Abstract | Slides
GPR imaging of a fracture zone in the Vaucluse karst aquifer using 2d and 3d eikonal inversion A11
Daryl Van Vorst, Matthew Yedlin, Yves Guglielmi, Frédéric Cappa, Stéphane Gaffet, Michael Maxwell and Doug Oldenburg
Abstract | Link to paper 01002
Seismic imaging of the Provence continental plate: outcrop-to-marine geophysics A12
Aurélie Tassy, François Fournier, Jean Borgomano, Bruno Arfib, Arnaud Fournillon
Origin of seismic ambiant noise in the 5-20s period band A13
Laurent Stehly M. Landès, M. Campillo, N.M. Shapiro
Water content monitoring in limestone based on radar velocity analysis (LSBB) A14
Guy Sénéchal, Dominique Rousset and Stéphane Gaffet
Abstract | Slides
Time frequency analysis of the LSBB's Green's function A15
Clara Castellanos, Stéphane Gaffet
Abstract | Slides
Agecodagis data acquisition systems A16
Sébastien Judenherc
Seismic anisotropy analysis at the low-noise underground laboratory (LSBB) of Rustrel (France) A17
Hermann Zeyen, Jan Beres, Stéphane Gaffet, Dominique Rousset, Guy Sénéchal
Abstract | Slides
Near-surface tomography protocol estimation to characterize heterogeneities at hectometric scale in a fractured-porous carbonate reservoir A18
Emeline Maufroy, Stéphane Gaffet, Yves Guglielmi, Stéphane Operto, Daniel Boyer
Abstract | Slides
Performing 3D numerical modelling including H/V technique and boreholes data for ground motion simulation: geometry and facies characterization of a tertiary reservoir (Cadarache, SE France) A19
Cédric Guyonnet-Benaize, Fabrice Hollender, Juliette Lamarche, Sophie Viseur, Philippe Münch, Walter Epting, Sébastien Morilhat, Jean Borgomano
Abstract | Slides
Discontinuous Galerkin method in frequency-space domain for wave propagation in 2D heterogeneous porous media A20
Bastien Dupuy, Stéphane Garambois, Jean Virieux, Louis de Barros
Abstract | Slides
Poroelastic waves distortion related to the damage of an unsaturated fractured-porous carbonate rock by high pressure fluid injections A21
Benoit Derode, Frédéric Cappa, Yves Guglielmi, Stéphane Gaffet, Tony Monfret
Abstract | Link to paper 01003
Spatial and temporal evolution of a microseismic swarm induced by water injection in the Arkema-Vauvert salt field (South of France) A22
Maxime Godano, Marc Regnier, Anne Deschamps
- Experimental Physics, Magnetometry
An overview of some science capabilities found within CSIRO's division of materials science and engineering B01
Keith Leslie, G Moorhead, Ilija Sutalo and C. P. Foley
Abstract | Slides | Link to paper 02001
The Hermanus Magnetic Observatory as a space physics facility B02
Elda Saunderson, Danie Gouws, Lee-Anne McKinnell
Abstract | Slides | Link to paper 02002
Current status of permanent magnetic observatories in french austral and antartic territories B03
Aude Chambodut, Marcellin Fotzé, Armelle Bernard, Jean-Jacques Schott
The impact of SQUID systems in geophysics B04
Ronny Stolz, V. Zakosarneko, A. Chwala, M. Schulz, M. Schmelz, S. Linzen, M. Meyer, N. Bondarenko, and H-G. Meyer
A quasi-absolute optically pumped magnetometer for the permanent recording of the Earth's magnetic field vector B05
Eberhard Pulz
Abstract | Slides
Characterisation of magnetic field fluctuations at different locations within the laboratoire souterrain à bas bruit B06
V. Andrieux, C. Clarke, S. Henry, H. Kraus, A. Lynch, V. Mikhailik, M. McCann, P. Febvre, S. Gaffet, E. Pozzo di Borgo, C. Sudre, G. Waysand, D. Boyer, A. Cavaillou, M. Auguste
Abstract | Slides | Link to paper 02003
The magnetic coupling of earth-ionosphere below 2 mHz B07
Elisabeth Pozzo di Borgo, Jannie Marfaing, Jean Jacques Bois, Rémi Blancon, Georges Waysand, Alain Cavaillou
Abstract | Slides
Temporal and spatial variations of discrete magnetospheric oscillations detected below 1mHz B08
Jannie Marfaing, Elisabeth Pozzo di Borgo, Matthew Yedlin, Jean Jacques Bois, Jonathan Fraser, Georges Waysand, Stephane Gaffet, Rémi Blancon, Alain Cavaillou
Abstract | Slides
Azimuthal analysis in [SQUID]2 system for mesopause and sprites excitations B09
Georges Waysand, Elisabeth Pozzo di Borgo, Serge Soula, Maurice Pyée, Jannie Marfaing, Jean Jacques Bois, Mathew Yedlin, Rémi Blancon, Stéphane Gaffet, Pierre Barroy, Michel Auguste, Daniel Boyer, Alain Cavaillou
Abstract | Link to paper 02004
- Applied Physics
Meuse/Haute-Marne underground research center - technologies and techniques for studying gas flow and thermal properties of an indurated clay-rock C01
Jacques Delay, Nathalie Conil, Remi de La Vaissière
Abstract | Slides | Link to paper 03001
Development of a long base tiltmeter and a drill tiltmeter using an interferometer laser system of measurement C02
Frédéric Boudin
EEG measurements in a low-noise environment C03
Ali Shahidi Zandi, Guy Dumont, Matt Yedlin, Philippe Lapeyrie, Christophe Sudre, and Stéphane Gaffet
Abstract | Slides | Link to paper 03002
2006 - 2010: Four years at the low noise underground laboratory of Rustrel C04
A. Lesea, K. Castellani-Coulié, C. Sudre, D. Boyer, A. Cavaillou, J. Poupeney, M. Auguste
Abstract | Slides
Neutron and alpha backgrounds in the LSBB C05
Tom Girard, A. C. Fernandes
Abstract | Slides | Link to paper 03003
Bonner spheres neutron spectrometry at mountain altitude and underground at LSBB C06
Véronique Lacoste, Valérian Lalucaa, Alain Martin, Michel Pépino, Caroline Saadi, Daniel Boyer, Alain Cavaillou, Julien Poupeney, Christophe Sudre
Abstract | Slides